Call for papers for EMC 2024; Organising the union government for the energy transition; Ep.50 of Everything is everything
Call for papers for EMC 2024
From 2010 onwards, the Emerging Markets Conference has been a gathering of thinkers and doers on EMs in general with an accent on India. It takes place in December every year, in the Bandra-Kurla complex in Bombay. The call for papers for the 2024 conference is out and you can see the 2023 conference as an example there. We request you to submit your papers and plan to be in the conference.
Organising the union government for the energy transition
The gritty process of getting things done in public policy involves establishing organisations that have sensible incentives to grind away at sensible objectives for a long time. Last Monday, Akshay Jaitly and I wrote a column in the Business Standard about reforms of the organisation structure of the union government in order to address one of the great issues of our age, the energy transition. This involves thinking about the structure of departments, ministries, Parliamentary standing committees, regulators and a Group of Ministers.